...and the livin's easy! well, for me anyway. School's out, work's done, and flowers are planted.
the living isn't so easy for this little gal. just look at that load--check out all that pollen! back to the hive she goes, and then off again for another load. she just visited my cosmos, and i hope she'll be back. I'd really like a visit to my tomatoes. pollenation keeps everyone happy!
i'm so fascinated by these little bugs. they work so hard, know so much, and have so much to give. they are so amazing! I read a book last summer called Robbing the Bees, written by Holley Bishop, that is one of the best non-fiction books I've ever read. It has a little bit of history, a little bit of personal narrative, and a lot of teaching. makes me want to buy some Tupelo honey (and a hive of my own)! you should check it out if you haven't and are remotely interested in bees, beekeeping, or something good to read.
Buzzing off,
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