Anyway, we learned the hard way last year that April is too early to plant. *gasp* That was so foreign to me--I'd been eating fresh garden tomatoes by then for years! About two weeks too late someone told us, "Yep, Memorial Day or when the snow melts on Taylor Mountain, whichever happens last." What?! For the record all the snow finally disappeared from said mountain in June. We hiked & camped in the snow over Memorial Day Weekend, an absolute first for me. So weird!
With that knowledge this year we waited, and I am glad. We did put the veggies in at the beginning of May or so, but made sure we bought frost-hardy, Idaho-friendly plants. School ended the Friday after Memorial Day, so you know what I spent Monday & Tuesday doing! I raided the local nursery and got busy in the backyard.

In other corners of the flowerbed and patio pots, I'm happy to report we're getting our first peony. I planted a bulb last year and got the plant but no flowers, and this year it came back with one bud (yay for successful perennials!). That bud is finally starting to open, and I hope it finishes by Tuesday. That was one of our wedding flowers (that's why I bought it to begin with), and Tuesday is our second anniversary. How cool would it be to get a bouquet flower on the day we celebrate our wedding?!
Well, that's it from here for now. Have a perfect Friday, and I hope the weather wherever you are is good, safe, and makes you happy.
With dirty fingernails,
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