Two Christmases ago my Mister got a fly rod and we've been itching to use it. Or learn to use it, as it were. Last summer flew by, and the fall and spring came and went; it's finally time again. Idaho is prime trout fishing territory--80% of the trout consumed in the United States is produced in Idaho. How do you like that? I learned that on Good Eats about two weeks after we moved here. We have got to get on the river! Anyway, the weather finally warmed up, then there was a load of overtime at work, then a stellar vacation back to Charleston, and we found ourselves with a weekend at home. Yesterday morning, after sleeping in till 9:00 (what?!) and playing with kitties in our newly fenced-in backyard, we went to the library for fly fishing how-to and to the fly shop for fishing line. When we got home Rob got to work on spooling the reel, but not before untangling the line from the package it came it. I should mention here that Blackbeard, one of our silly cats, is obsessed with string. Once when he was exploring the garage (it's our outdoor cat compromise) he came back in the house with a bungee cord and it's been one of his favorites since. He's insane for shoelaces, and once nearly destroyed the laces on a pair of rental cross country ski boots. And he drags them all into his food bowl every day, a strange habit that I don't understand, but I love. But I digress... So Blackbeard was chasing the sting all over the place, as it was stretched from the den and across the hallway, back and forth, as Rob was trying to spool it and unknot it, etc., etc. Too cute.
Finally it all got sorted out and reeled up, then we went out back ("Now that we have a fence I'm going to practice casting so nobody can see me," he says) and tried to cast. Here is what ensued.
helium balloon? flying a kite? nope, fishing for kittens.
You need to zoom in. Do you see his mouth?! And those talons?! My favorite part is his shadow, tail straight out. It's too much!
Hopefully we'll get a big old cutthroat or steelhead on the end of it, but for now this is fun.
Tight lines,