It's been a few weeks (as usual), but we've been busy! I've started a new teaching job (JOY!) and we've been squeezing every last bit out of our summer as August & September fly by and October closes in more quickly than we'd like. But more on that later...
This morning I wanted to remember for a moment the surreal, unbelievable, tragic, bright blue Tuesday morning of September 11, 2001. Has it been eleven years? It is amazing to me that the babies of that year are in middle school. The middle schoolers are in (or done with!) college. The high school students of that year have now been on the battlefields for years. I realized this morning that my 27 year old neighbor who is a US Marine was just driving when this attack occurred. It feels, though, like it was the proverbial "yesterday." I suspect it will always feel like such a short time ago.
As I watch the events unfold again on television, I remember clearly and precisely what I was doing as every moment occurred. I remember what I was hearing, where I was standing, who I was talking to, and the cup of coffee that went cold in my hand, unfinished--the cup of coffee I was purchasing at Winks Market in Kitty Hawk, NC, as the first plane struck. I thank God I wasn't standing there, in the midst of it all. I cannot imagine what those people remember and how it must have felt to watch that scene unfold AS IT HAPPENED. Secretary Panetta just mentioned in his terrific and heartfelt speech in front of the Pentagon, "the smell of the rubble" and how those present would never forget it. I cannot imagine.
Say a prayer today for those lost and those who fought, saved, and cleaned up the mess. Pray for those families who lost, who continue to grieve, and for the people who lead us then and who lead us today. Pray for those who hate us and want to destroy what we have; ask that they see the true God and the true meaning of faith and what it means to be human.
Have a good day, and remember the good things!
God bless America!
from the land of the free & the brave,
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