look at these! i got a text yesterday morning from my friend Christina (remember Christina with the peach trees?) asking if i wanted to come over and pick raspberries later in the afternoon. are you kidding? YES! see, raspberries are one of those foods i'd consider a weakness. i must have them. and they're worse than potato chips--i am not eating just one. put them with some chocolate concoction and i'm done. frozen with tequila and lime juice? um, yes please. plain and simple, off the bush in the backyard? that works just as well. so i went and i got a quart. that was all i had time for. i had to be off to make an early dinner so we could meet some friends downtown later. i would have stayed for hours. i would've scored some rhubarb, too, but i forgot about it and forgot to take it home. i was so excited about my berries i got a little tunnel visioned... oops. i'm perusing Pinterest for some recipes; in the meantime they are freezing in their single layer on a wax-papered cookie sheet (will Pinterest never stop providing me with terrific hints and ideas?). what shall i make? freezer jam? sorbet? this summery cocktail? hmmm. i'll let you know what happens. i've been invited back for when the rest are ready to be picked. i cannot wait!
then this afternoon, i got some stuff done! i'm feeling very motivated lately--it's so exciting. my house is clean, things are getting sewn, the grass is mowed, garden weeded, laundry done AND put away, and i made my nephew his birthday present. oh, and i went and picked up three old windows i found on craigslist for $5 each. woot!

i made little D this super cute thing i saw on Pinterest (it never ends!). it's a Super Hero Fort Kit and it is too fun. it originally came from meg + andy and i knew instantly i had to make it for him. this blog has loads of cool things and i appreciate the idea for this kit. i sewed a D on the front, and am calling it an Instant Fort, but the super hero idea is so cute. his brother is the one into super heroes, so i thought i'd make it something else for him. i also added a Where's Waldo book (he's not a reader just yet), some gummy bears and chocolate milk straws. you've gotta have something to do in the fort! it turned out okay. i like her bag and sewing skills better, but it's not bad for my first one. i need to figure out the drawstring concept. the inside is what counts, right? it was fun to make, and i hope fun to get. maybe he'll let me play in it when i see him next.
i'm pretty happy about getting two (late) birthday presents done in the same week. uh, not to mention two blog posts in a row. wowzuh. hopefully i can keep up this momentum.
holding down the fort,
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