Friday, November 4, 2011

Let It Snow!

i think we're about to get our first "big" snow.  well, our first forecasted snow.  it snowed here on october 5th, and was all gone by that saturday, the 7th.  it had rained most of that week, and we were supposed to get a cold, rainy few more days, but there was no talk of snow at all.  i'd finally broken down and turned on the heat that morning when it was 63 degrees in the house.  then i looked out the window and couldn't believe what i saw.  it was coming down.  we got a few inches as part of a freak pre-season West Coast snow--Mammoth, California, got dumped on, and many other northern California towns were trying to figure out what in the world had just happened.  it was strange putting out Halloween decorations with the snow falling outside...  I was drinking hot chocolate from a witch mug.  weird.

people here keep saying the snow will come the beginning of November; that seems to be true.  there's an alert ticking across the bottom of the Weather Channel screen, and the radio mentions that there will be a big change in our day.  it's changing all right.  

this morning i was out and about at just before nine, and it was chilly--about 30--but was getting warmer by the time i'd finished my third errand.  the sky was blue, without a single cloud.  it was so clear, i could see the Grand Teton peak from our neighborhood.  it's usually pretty clear here, but every so often it's clear enough out there that she's standing out.  for a little perspective, Grand Teton is about 120 miles away.  beautiful sky!  anyway, as the day goes on a few clouds have rolled in, stretched across like torn cotton.  still blue, but getting cloudier.  i couldn't see the peak, or any of the range, by about noon.  

fast forward to 5:00...  my internet went on the fritz for a little while this afternoon; i'm just getting it back.  since around 3:00 we've gone completely gray, no blue and the wind has been picking up progressively since around one.  crazy.  it was 54 degrees at 3:00. it's 46  now.  i'm ready!  well, not really.  i have bread and milk and toilet paper.  is that ready?  

here's what scares me a bit about the impending Idaho Winter.  i looked out the front window and saw my neighbor putting up Christmas lights.  this is what went through my head:  what?!  it is november fourth, why is he putting up Chr--oooooooh.  because if we don't do it now we won't be able to.  uh oh.  my hunch is that he won't turn them on till it's time, but they are up because the snow starts tomorrow and doesn't melt before Christmas.  crap.  no, not ready.    i'm pretty sure hoping he's only getting really prepared, but that definitely struck fear in my heart.  maybe we won't get too much--there are differing forecasts--but i'd like to see some this weekend.  i'll let you know what happens. 

where's my hot chocolate,

UPDATE:  it's snowing!!!  58 minutes since i finished this post!!!  


  1. and, we have NOTHING on the ground at the moment. there are some shady spots around town, and ice that hasn't melted because we haven't gotten out of freezing since the end of november, but we're supposed to be burried by now. i'm still waiting...
